1-hour online classes to uplift your mind, body, emotion, spirit and soul.

When your energy becomes low, you become stagnant. Or is when you become stagnant, your energy is low? Either way, if you are in a vibrationally low space, it will reflect in your emotions, body, and mind. If you are feeling unmotivated and experiencing anxiety, stress, despair, anger, illness, disease, etc., or simply can’t seem to get out of lower mental space, where the cup is always half empty, to the point of depletion…

It is time to clear your energy and move to a higher level of consciousness. 

We are “meant to move” out of that outward lower vibrational self and instead move inward into our higher self, a space of bliss, joy, love, and happiness.

This powerful NEW I AM “MoveMeant” Series is the first powerful "Gym for the Soul". 

sakred souls

How are the classes structured?

They will be offered as a six (6) class series where you will practice

  • Breathwork

  • Visualization

  • Guided Meditations

  • Physical Movement

  • Yoga

You can opt to take single classes in the series.

You mentioned gym and yoga. Do I have to be physically fit? Will I be twisting my body?

No, the class is geared to all ages. The movements are gentle and simple and taught with modifications for all levels of physicality. Yoga means to create union of the mind, body and soul(energy). 

If a class is advanced, it will be clearly stated in its description.


What are the benefits of the I AM “Movemeant” Series?

Due to the diverse nature of the classes the benefits will vary and differ for each individual, however, here are the overall benefits:

  • Balance out and clear energies

  • Allows for restful sleep

  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety

  • Improved Physical and Mental Health

  • Removing Mental Chatter

  • Improve Focus

  • Promote Relaxation

  • Natural Painkiller

How will I know what classes are being offered and when?

Join our newsletter for class notification and to reserve your spot. Spots are limited.

Sign up for our Newsletter now to move into a higher vibration and live life from your true authentic self, the “INSIDE OUT”!