From the moment we are born, the human experience can become a complicated journey. Everything that exists Outside of ourselves - our life experiences, beliefs, societal influences, friends, family, etc. has all been given the power to influence, define and ultimately limit us.

Take a moment to recall something hurtful that was said to you, perhaps it was your 3rd-grade teacher, your parents, or even a complete stranger. Regardless of who it was, you lived your life believing it as your truth. Then society somehow seemed to reinforce this perceived truth.

What about those idioms? How have they possibly reshaped your life? “Money doesn’t grow on trees.” “Money is the root of all evil”. How have they affected your relationship with money? It creates a pretty limiting, scarcity mindset, doesn’t it?

Perhaps you had a traumatic life experience, something recent or from your younger years. You may or may not realize how that moment in your past is influencing your present thoughts and choices. Many of us are unaware that as a result of our “outside” life experiences, our choices in life will be misaligned with our true selves because they are stemming from a place outside of who we truly are. This is a sure way to create negative Karma.

We have allowed the “outside” to dictate our “inside” for lifetimes. It explains why we sometimes feel like we are trapped in an endless cycle, as if life is on repeat. For some day-to-day life will seem mundane, having us feeling like a hamster on a wheel, wondering “Is this all to life?! “This may explain why your Soul led you here. Something within you knows there is more.

Whatever it is, that has you here reading this, even if you can’t put your finger on the root of your pain (physical, mental or emotional), you know one thing, you cannot live like this anymore.

So what is happening now? You are at a crossroads.

This is the moment, where many awaken and become SPIRITUAL TRUTH SEEKERS, searching to find answers to life’s questions, like…

What is this life about?

Why am I feeling so fearful?

How do I find happiness?

Why am I stuck?

What is my life path/purpose?

Who am I?

 "So,  how did this happen?!" you may ask...

We HAVe Let Life CReATe US FROM THe “OUtSiDE iN”

The years and lifetimes of outside disharmony you have experienced, has taken up residency within your “Inner” body. Just imagine how many Outside life experiences you have accumulated until now. Everything you have seen, everything you have heard and believed. Once it hasn’t been released, it is manifesting itself as feelings of stress, depletion, confusion, anger, anxiety, unfulfillment, or detachment. When left unaddressed it will further manifest as a physical illness; Dis-ease of some sort.

Can you see how a huge gap is being created between who we are allowing life to determine us to be and our true selves? Let’s go a step further and look at how we typically try to resolve these problems.

We again look “Outside” of ourselves for solutions, further creating the gap. For personal problems, we have our list of go-to people who we believe can help solve the issue, or we may engage in activities like exercise, book clubs, even yoga, hoping they make us feel better or solve the issue. At the least, it may bring solace, but how long before we are in the same situation again. At this point we may even find fault in the very things we hoped will help and blame it for the issue (after all, it has to be somebody else’s fault, couldn’t possibly be ours, right?).

The reality is, that solving problems goes way beyond external solutions. One must tap in the KINGDOM within to find SOUL-UTIONS! We must experience life from the “INSIDE OUT”!



There is no power in sitting on the sidelines and letting life live for you! We are spiritual beings, ONE with everything and everyone. Being Spiritual means you experience life as your WHOLE self - Mind, Body Spirit, and Soul. Not just the seen, but the unseen, the self beyond the physical, mind, and five senses. We are Spirit, and we have a SOUL, but rarely do we navigate life via the road less traveled the inner Soul terrain. As mentioned above, there is something that happens once the Spirit inhabits a physical body that separates us from our Soul. We forget that the greatest power lives with us, not what surrounds us. “In” is the way “Out”. When you live from within, you will never be without. The moment we approach life from the “INSIDE OUT”, we become ALIVE! Active, aware participants in our human experience, creating the life we want. One by one, we shift from being part of the problem to being part of the



Let me say it again, Your soul holds all the answers! It is the key to unlocking a blissful life. It reveals the authentic qualities of who you are, your true self, your divine gifts, and how you create. It holds all your past life and present life experiences which will provide you with a full understanding of the "what" and "why’s" happening in your life presently.

✦ How do you know where you are going if don't know who you are or the true content of your soul? 

✦ How do you fix an issue if you don't know the root of the problem?

If you are still with me, then this is all hitting home for you. You are ready for clarity and to truly heal. Trust the voice within and embark on this transformational life experience.

The Sakred Soul Experience utilizes a deeply personalized one-on-one (1:1), spiritual guidance approach, that transforms and transcends individuals as they learn to master navigating their inner soul terrain. This experience is not about memorizing or gathering spiritual information. I am sure you may have gathered quite a bit of that, as a Seeker. You are not here to be taught, you are here for the awareness/inner experience. To actively live through subjective awareness - experiencing yourself at your highest level in your everyday life, as the Spiritual Being that you are.

Imagine being able to live in full alignment with your soul, experiencing the authentic inner vibrational qualities of who you are. Imagine, no longer feeling trapped or defined by “OUT” side societal, physical, and mental limitations. How liberating will life be when we stop allowing others to determine who we truly are, at an “IN” ner soul level and uncover the truth that has always been there?

This, my dear, Sakred Soul, is Enlightenment!